Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April's Fool!

According to Wiki, one of the explanations for April's Fool's fishes that we stick on the back of others is a derivation of what they did in 16th century France (or around that time).

Apparently, in April, the Sun quits the zodiacal sign of the Fish....and so the French used to place dead fishes on the back of their friends....yeah...don't ask me how, I've been trying to figure that out since I read about it, and I always end up with disgusting mental pictures. Dead fish...eek...

Anyway, I've got no idea why the kids are so particularly affectionate today. I've been getting hugs and pats all morning and.....

Okay....I realize that nobody here is a four years old, I can't fake innocence here. But it's always great fun to pretend I haven't noticed a thing when one of them slaps me hard on the back and even makes sure that the scotch tape is well stuck before running away laughing, pointing and telling the others loudly.

There is one disturbing thing though, apart from the fishes they decided to stick in my hair obviously, it's that one of the kids managed to stick one on my butt without me even knowing of it before I took that photo...

Yeah the photo....the only reason I'm willing to put that picture up without cutting it above the butt area is to show that one fish, so lets just please focus on the fish and not it's surrounding, my friends.

Happy April's Fool day!


Anonymous said...

What??? a fish??? Where???

John In Colorado said...

kids are so wonderfully amazing. you must be the princess of their world if they are willing to stick fish to your butt.

Princess in Galoshes said...

I am so glad we don't do the fish thing here in the U.S., I used to get smacked around enough as a kid, as it was!