Friday, December 29, 2006

Good Resolutions....

Apparently (okay, I got that from Bridget Jones' Diary...), humans can live happily if they give themselves small, short-term goals to pursue. So I think I will do that this year, it's kind of a cool idea.

Goal no1---I will eat more healthily, more veggies, fruits, proteins, etc. And I will learn to cook food that is good for me, and that isn't pasta or hot-dogs. (First goal, learn to bake bread.)

Goal no2---I will clean up around the apartment more often, so as to not get discouraged when Saturday morning comes.

Goal no3---I will stop seeking love, for I am perfectly happy alone. So whatever needs to happen will happen.

Goal no4---I will stop feeling guilty when I get celebrity crushes. This is just who I am, and I should accept that.

Goal no5---I will work out at least 3-4 times a week. (Not at the gym, outside in the fresh air.)

Goal no6---I will comb my cats at least a day out of two, so they don't get all those hairballs and knots.

Goal no7---I will paint and draw more...I've been neglecting that this year....

And finally....instead of gaining the obligatory 10 pounds during my two weeks Christmas holidays...I will actually loose 10! I'm all resolute now! I have combined Goal 1 and 5 this week, and I plan on doing so next week too. Of course, it IS the holidays, so resolutions don't count at family holiday dinners. (Where I eat and drink an obscene amount of calories but wouldn't want it any other way!)

Happy Holidays everyone!

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