Thursday, July 05, 2007

Natural Beauty tip no4 (I think)...

Well this one is really simple and cheap, and I never would have believed until I was bored enough to actually try it:


Yes, plain and simple oatmeal flakes. The ones you buy when you vow to eat healthy and that are presently sitting unused in the back of your pantry.

Mix a small quantity (say a big Tablespoon) with warm to hot water in a small bowl. Cover the flakes with water completely, you can even put a bit more.
Mix a bit and using your fingers, scoop up the bits of mushy oatmeal and rub all over clean face.

The using your imagination, apply the remaining oatmeal-y liquid to your face, and just keep rubbing lightly, so the skin takes all the goodness in.

You can now proceed to rinse away with warm, then colder water to close the pores.

Be prepared to feel the softess skin ever!

I guess it could be used all over the body, come to think of it.....

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