I borrowed my brother's digital camera so I went a bit crazy with the picture taking.
I already knew Saturday would be great, I've been waiting to go to that Tricot Machine Show forever it seems. But sometimes things turn out even better then you can imagine.
Part of it was because I went together with my sweet/amazing/smart/strong/adorable/sexy Boyfriend. (In the future, I will abbreviate all of that to BF for all of our sakes.)
It was also a beautiful, sunny day...
The Show was going to take place in an old Moulin near a river, in the middle of a big park full of trees and squirrels and nature and all. I often went to take walks there in the past, it's really a wonderful place anytime of the year.
Since we got there a lot sooner then expected, we walked around the little streets and found a pretty little Café inside an antique house. The wind was getting a bit chilly, so we went upstairs and had Coffee and Hot Chocolate. I figured it would be a good time to start wiping out the camera, so after many unsuccessful and embarrassing attempts, witnessed by another costumer sitting in a corner, this was the best picture. It sucks not being photogenic, let me tell you. Being two non-photogenic people is almost a drama when you try to get a good picture...I like to think that we are a much prettier couple in real life then there...still....can you feel the loooove? hihihi
I don't think it shows, but this seat was put inside what was once a wardrobe. Or so we guessed. Starting us on numerous theories and stories about people who might have died/killed/hung themselves in that once wardrobe, and the resulting vengeful ghosts that would of course follow us home after being disturbed by us and our warm beverages.

As you can see, I put colorful clothes on that day. Tricot machine inspires me color...and we soon found out that I wasn't alone. We could easily guess who was just walking past the Moulinet or who was going in by the rainbow clothing and/or Hippie garbs. Including bright yellow and purple...and that was on a man.
Then was the time to go in! Finally! We where super lucky to have the place we got. (Lucky meaning I almost ran and trampled everyone on the way to said place.) As BF noted later, it would have been nearly impossible to be sitting closer unless we sat in their laps. It was a small, intimate room and we had the chance to get a little table right in front of the stage (slightly on the side, but still.) So great view...sadly, the pictures I got are blurry and low quality, because I didn't want to use a flash and get an evil glare from one of them or a tambourine thrown at my head by Catherine Leduc. This one is nice though...

She seemed kind of surprised that I ask for a photo...and I sensed that BF was very slightly embarrassed of my fan girl attitude and having to be associated with it by being the photographer... but I needed this. *fan girl squeal*.
It was such a wonderful Saturday.....
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