A link to the complete collection of professor Brothers' clips. It has some language, makes fun of everything and will make you rewind a few times to be sure you just saw what you saw for a fraction of second. But nothing makes me laugh like a maniac quite like those movies. They have something unique about them. You can't grow old and die without having seen Prof Bro's clips...
I suggest the clip called "Jesus F*cking Christ" to introduce yourself to the kind of comedy. Open mind and Sense of Humor needed of course.
I suggest the clip called "Jesus F*cking Christ" to introduce yourself to the kind of comedy. Open mind and Sense of Humor needed of course.
Just finished viewing "Future Thoughts" part 1 and2, and I'm crying, I'm crying! Need. to. watch. again.
i'll have to find the appropriate computer to use to view those vids. something tells me that those might ring a few bells on the monitoring software.
I don't need to be so open minded to watch these that my brains fall out, do i? :-)
i. dn't. knw. wht. to. sy. i. m. t. a. lss. fr. wrds. tyopin. iz. hrd. fr. mee.
b nce to cts.
John--Slightly open-minded, brain can stay in place. I just don't want anyone to be offended. It's only for laughs.
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