Tori did it very visually, bringing four of them to life as characters.
In order to be balanced, we must be able to recognize and accept the different personas, while being also capable of mixing them all together equally, and in harmony. I like that concept, so I decided to do the here are the four girls that make up the Liliane that I am.
(The Nature Girl)
(The Nature Girl)

Hair-- Long, wavy and all-natural
Music--Loreena Mc Kennit, Enya, Claire Pelletier
Drinks/Food--Herbal and Green teas, brews, fruits and veggies
Movies-- Mists of Avalon, Practical Magic
She's the one who would happily live in a hippy commune, learning macrame and vegetarian cooking.
The one who would wear peasant skirts and beads with flowers in her hair.
She loves to walk in the woods, pick apples, gardening and cooking strange stuff. Really into incenses, candles, herbalism, cats, zen and granola stores and restaurants.
She is a hopeless romantic and love cuddling, spooning and cocooning with her love. Long kisses and sensual massages.
As a child, she played Native-American tribe with her friends and painted her face while making baskets out of leaves.
(The Serious/Intellectual/Artistic one)
Hair--Kept simple and smart
Music--Bjork, Tori Amos, Dido, Sarah McLachlan
Drinks/Food--Coffee, Espresso, Sushi
Movies--Amelie Poulin, Girl with a Pearl Earring, DaVinci Code
Lilian is always in charge of important decision making, and she does all the
paper work and bill paying.
She really likes when everything is balanced and in order. She believes in a husband, a house and children.
Loves to read books that make her think and music with a meaning. She paints and draws when she feels like it and is the one that has a slight curiosity for politics.
As a child, she was the teacher's pet, always did her homework and had great respect for any authority.
Hair--Very straight, stylish cut, funky colors
Music--Madonna, Britney, Nelly Furtado, Justin Timberlake, Club Music
Drinks/Foods--CranberryVodka, Rum and coke, chocolate and strawberries
Movies--Moulin Rouge, Sex in the City, Original Sin
She's the naughty one, likes to buy and wear corsets, tight dresses, push-up bras and fuck-me boots. She's a big spender. Always feels sexy and is kind of a nympho.
She's up for anything, loves to go to clubs or hot nights at home...also, she enjoys porn.
Will find the sexy in all kinds of different songs and music, from Madonna's Erotica to Marylin Manson's Personal Jesus.
Will find the sexy in all kinds of different songs and music, from Madonna's Erotica to Marylin Manson's Personal Jesus.
Would gladly dress up as a naughty (maid/nurse/schoolgirl) for Halloween.
As a child, she tried to look down women's shirts and wanted to buy cute lingerie even when she was too young for anyone else but her to see it.
(The Silly one)
Hair--Super curly and wild, reddish
Hair--Super curly and wild, reddish
Music--Tricot Machine, Alanis Morissette, Oldies silly songs
Drinks/Foods--Anything sugary, fast food, candy
Movies--Napoleon Dynamite, Bridget Jones, Tim Burtons
Movies--Napoleon Dynamite, Bridget Jones, Tim Burtons
Like to wear colorful, eccentric clothes, funny hats and plastic jewelry.
Falls in love and buys things like red shoes and patch worked pajama bottoms.
Always up for a funny movie or show, she loves to laugh until her sides hurt. Thinks characters like Simple Jack are pure comedy.
Enjoys the company of kids and immature people and feels totally alive when covered in mud or paint.
Very messy, she is the one who leaves her stuff all over the place for Lilian to pick up and clean.
Other interests: Facebooking, board-games, the Simpsons, jumping around to silly songs like "Short Dick Man".
As a child, she ate candies clandestinely.
This is SO COOL. I would love to do something similar for myself... not sure I have the guts to put it out there for the world, though.
This only reaffirms, to me, that we are very similar people! :-)
Thanks Cat!
That's why I love walking to work, it gives me plenty of time to think about stuff like that.:P
I would love to see someone else do the same experiment, you don't need to put in anything you don't feel like exposing to the world either....:)
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