Rest in Peace...
A wonderful actor and one of my first movie crushes in a Knight's Tale.....
Only 28 years old, with a wife and little girl. Apparently, found dead from a sleeping pill overdose in his apartment.
This is so shocking...and sad. A very bad way to wake up this morning.
Makes me mad and worried....are there no other ways to deal with problems or have fun then intoxication? I'm thinking drugs, alcohol...everything. Both for celebrities and real life people...it's too pointless to leave this way so soon....moderation!!
***edit***Apparently, he wasn't with his wife (or fiancée?) anymore....still, he had a two years old child....
I was going to write a post about Heath as well. Not because I love him, but because his death actually bothered me. He wasn't a celebrity I expected to be found dead (Britney, Lindsay Lohan, Amy Winehouse... no surprise there if they turned up dead).
Absolutely! And that's why it's so shocking...totally unexpected....
Love your blog by the way, from your profile, we seem to have many things in common, like the love of Bjork, Amélie and silliness.;)
I think everyone was shocked for the same reason. I thought he was a little older, too. But still, you think if you get that close to 30 and have a kid, maybe you figure some of your issues out. It's really sad.
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