So I spent yesterday night shopping around for a long red wig. I would even have settled for orangey-red. But no. No, it appears that all people want are those short violent red ones complete with devil horns, or the over-priced Raggedy-Ann yarn ponytails
In desperation, I even went to D-Tox, one of those Emo/Goth shops with lots of stripes and chains and printed T-Shirts, because they sometimes carry Nightmare Before Christmas merchandise along with their Emily the Strange collections. I loathe going into that place, I feel like the center of attention, my week-day attire ( jeans, un-cool curly ponytail and sweatshirt ) being stared at by all those eyeliner-ed and spiked clerks. No red wig, even less a Sally wig.
So I started to lose hope, and thought I could go as the Black Dahlia instead...because you know, that would be rather cool, I would love walking around with bright red bloody slashes on both sides of my mouth, with the period costume and flower in my hair and all....

So I'm back to Sally...I guess I'll have to just dye my hair red with Henna and straighten it. I was going to do that anyway, try Henna again....That or I'll find the courage to glue hundreds of long yarn pieces on a pantyhose bottom to make my own wig. I would doubt that, because I already need to make a patchwork dress, and that will be a work of saintly patience in itself.
What I can't wait for though, is to paint all those cool stitches all over myself. Fun!
Oh, I think that's a brilliant costume! Good luck putting it together, it'll be worth it, I promise!
I know!
This is it! This is the year it will all come together! but I need to start fast and stop talking about it!:)
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