I'll take the opportunity to write about Halloween day now, since I will most likely be caught up with a new project in days to come.
I promise to report it if anything strange should happen on All Souls Night though.....
First of all, here is what my Autumn-Faery costume looks like when it's done morphing into an Autumn-Witch. Honestly, I like it better like that. With the shirt and everything.

Here is little bro's costume. Makeup by yours truly. I'm very proud of it actually. It doesn't show that well on the photo, but I found out that you can make realistic veins and bruises on pale skin using only purple and black.

And finally, Halloween 2007's Disney-Princesses results.
Honestly I'm very proud of the kids this year. It actually looked like Halloween and not a royal congress of glitters and bows. We had a Snow White and Ariel. But also, to even things out a bit: a Ladybug, a Cow, an Elephant, some character from the movie "Cars", a darling little Witchlette...
And best of all: a 2 years old little boy who had a pumpkin costume at home but rebelled his way into coming with a Little mermaid crown.