Well, my efforts to turn my brother into a decent future-men seem to finally pay off. For a while, I've been scared that he would grow up to be one of those stupid teenagers on buses I've been angrily ranting about it an earlier blog. Or worse, one of those adult men who still think the epitome of beauty is Pamela Anderson.
For some time now, I've been talking to him about how beauty can be found in difference, that every hair, eye and skin color have their own wonderfulness. That a girl can be beautiful in different shapes and heights...but he kept getting crushes on barbie-like blond girls with blue eyes girls at his school...even if they were, let's say it politely, a little disagreeable. To him---even the most beautiful girl, if she had brown hair, was simply on a lower level.
The surprise I got the other day, when he came home from school and started talking about a new girl. This one apparently had dark brown hair...but not only that...wait for it....it was a also short hair! A short, funky cut, and he couldn't stop talking about how cool it was. She also had small brown eyes, and dressed slightly emo. He kept telling us about how funny she was, and that she had a big, beautiful smile, and that she talked softly. Little bro was smitten! She even went out with him...I'm still trying to understand what "going out" means to 12 years olds that don't actually go out...
Well, it couldn't have been very serious dating, because she broke up two days after to the great despair of my poor baby brother.
Well, still....good try!
I realise though, that boys will be boys, because it is still WAY too easy to lure him into seeing a non-action movie, like say..."The Prestige", with the simple promise that he will get to see Scarlett Johansson's...um...sizeable assets in a corset throughout the movie. Well, at least she isn't a tooth-pick woman!
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