Friday, August 31, 2007
Thank God it's Friday..
I now fully realise that my job was extremely easy and even relaxing just a week ago.
Yes, there were eight kids with me all day, but they were all around five years old. The blessed age when they move from being babies and get upgraded to kids. Kids that can communicate almost like little adults, that understand what you say without the need for baby-talking. That can cut, glue, draw, paint by themselves. Dress themselves and put on their shoes. Tell jokes (or attempt to with even funnier results.)
They can even argue and pick fights with you, but hey, at least that's challenging in a fun way.
Now the big ones are gone to preschool, well five of them. And this week, the daycare ambiance has changed dramatically.
The five new kids (or should I say babies) are of course cute as kittens. But I certainly didn't remember how taxing it is to care for 2 years olds. It's a whole different world.
Pull-ups and diapers and asking fifty times a day in the general direction of those concerned "Do you need to pee?" and still cleaning yellow puddles off the floor and off underwear.
Attempting to establish communication as difficult as if they came in straight from China to our daycare.
And speaking of language, two of those kids speak a FUN mix of French/English/Spanish. Misunderstanding and frustration all around. But still funny to watch the other kids try to make sense of it with furrowed eyebrows and a look of deep concentration. Genuinely confused two years old are more entertaining then you'd think.
And then there's one little boy who turns into a Banshee as soon as he passes the door. Wailing his lungs out for his Mamie. Good times.
But I also realise that this is only a transition. I am emotionally and physically drained today...but things should be better as we all get used to each other.
For now, I need a rest, and YES, it's a long weekend!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Seriously worried
A few days ago, an 18 years old girl was waiting for the bus. Somehow, she got pulled into a car, taken a few miles away, raped, and brought back where she was in the first place.
This CAN'T happen!
Six o'clock, damnit! The sun is still shining high!
And she was not walking in a dark alley or anything. That street is a rather busy one, but still residential, there are many houses and people around. Beautiful flowers, expensive houses, people walking their dogs, children on bicycles, you get the picture!
What's freaking me the most, is that it happened only one bus stop away from where I take it every night at that time.
I'm scared. I always felt so safe.
I even walked at night sometimes, but that time is over.
I don't know what I can do to feel safer. I feel so vulnerable.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Wow, it's a whole new experience, like walking into a wonderfully scented rainbow.

At first, knowing nothing about them, I was convinced that the colorful display of plastic-looking soap bars were of the cheap and synthetic sort. You have to admit that turquoise and fuchsia are not what you'd expect of natural soaps, but more of the shelves of a dollar store.
But the enthusiastic and definitely slightly effeminate clerk nicely explained to me how the products are made from essential oils, natural ingredients like clay and herbs and such. I was beyond excited. And then he told me that all of the soaps and ingredients aren't tested on animals, I was sold.
I'm still in the discovery stage, but I have found a favorite already, and it's this baby:
It's called Reincarnate, and yes, it does look quite disgusting in this picture, but in reality, it's a nice looking piece of reddish mud-colored shampoo-bar. It smells of many kinds of spices, orange and some other yummy exotic stuff, and best of all, Red Persian Henna, which supposedly adds reddish tones to dark hair.
I'm new to the concept of solid shampoo, but I love it already, no pesky bottles around the shower anymore. Not only is it great smelling, practical, natural and good for the hair, I realized that I don't even have to put in conditioner after I rinse that off! And this is something I thought I would never even dream of thinking about. Curly hair=vital need for conditioner, can't go without it. So I must conclude that Reincarnate is some kind of magical-does-all hair soap.
The next thing I must investigate is their brand of Henna bars. I'm admittedly a bit put off by how they chose to name the stuff....maybe it's because I'm French, but calling a hair color "Caca Brun mama" or "Caca Noir mama" might be just a bit unappealing....if not revolting.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
I am back from my three weeks summer vacations, and instead of having added the obligatory vacation-ten-pounds, I have actually went down to 133lbs!
I have beat the dreaded 140lbs Plateau! It is gone and behind! And I don't even remember the last time I climbed on the scale and got a number under 140! It's like being in a dream.
I'm still wondering how it's possible....sure, I've been careful about what I eat,walked a lot, but I've not been overly fact, I've been at my sister's almost half the time, and this is a place of depravation where sugary alcohol flows, and desert is omnipresent, even at breakfast. There were birthdays, I got almost drunk on Sour Puss and Smirnoff Ice and chocolate-cheese cake on a few occasions.
I can only blame the weight lost on emotional stress. Yes, I won't talk about it much on the web, my private diary is there for that.